Hidden Role Podcast: Aaron Muderick invented Crazy Aaron’s Thinking Putty!

Hidden Role: The Brains Behind your Favorite Games — Creating a business from scratch is hard enough – but manufacturing the product, distributing it, AND running the company, all after quitting your job to pursue a dream? Sounds pretty crazy… but Aaron Muderick is an expert in crazy. He’s here to share his journey from the smallest inkling of an idea to a worldwide success.

Keep up with Crazy Aaron’s Thinking Putty:



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Hidden Role Podcast: Marjorie Spitalnik’s success story, Little Rebels!

Listen to Marjorie Spitalnik, activist and Founder & CEO of Little Rebels, details her journey to make her toy line a reality; fighting sexism, highlighting lack of awareness of mental health, and spotlighting heroic women of history.

Keep up with Little Rebels:




Hidden Role Podcast is also available on most major podcast networks!

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Hidden Role Podcast: Randy Klimpert Invented Battle Armor He-Man!

In this episode, Randy Klimpert, toy inventor and Chief Creative Officer at Creata, tells us how he invented Hot Wheels Crack Ups and Battle Armor He-Man while working at the legendary design firm Marvin Glass & Associates.

Hidden Role Podcast is also available on most major podcast networks!

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Hidden Role Podcast: Dan Klitsner Invented Bop It!

Dan Klitsner breaks down his creative process and takes us on a Bop It journey. The beloved toy is fast approaching its 25th anniversary (at the time of this release). How did he take Bop It from an idea bopping around in his head to a real product that has resonated with people for a quarter century?

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Check out the Uni-Bop and Bop-It for Good:


Hidden Role Podcast is also available on most major podcast networks!

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Hidden Role Podcast: Matthew Lillard makes Dungeons & Dragons loot!

Actor and entrepreneur Matthew Lillard knows how to turn a passion into a fulfilling career. He’s best known for his roles films like Scream, Scooby Doo, and SLC Punk, but in recent years he’s also become a tabletop roleplaying game darling, co-founding Beadle & Grimm’s to make premium editions of Dungeons & Dragons books.

Check out Beadle & Grimm’s:


Follow Matthew Lillard:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MatthewLillard

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/matthewlillard 

Hidden Role Podcast is also available on most major podcast networks!

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We’re all on the Same Boat

Photo Credit Bryan Liscinsky

The phrase, “we’re all in the same boat” has new meaning for me after taking part in the inaugural Ocean Plastic Leadership Summit. As a first-of-its-kind expedition, SoulBuffalo compiled more than 150 leaders from the largest chemical companies, plastic producers, and environmental groups from around the globe. The group met out at sea for four days on a 400 foot ship in one of the highest concentrations of ocean plastic.

As Outside Magazine reported, “Recycling is broken. The oceans are trashed. As the plastics crisis spirals out of control, an unlikely collection of executives and environmentalists set sail for the North Atlantic Gyre in a desperate attempt to find common ground.” Outside Magazine

Photo Credit Bryan Liscinsky

The purpose of the expedition was to explore new avenues that would eliminate the 14 million tons of plastic that makes its way to the ocean every year. One of the primary focuses was the reduction or elimination of the biggest culprit, single-use plastic. Leading product companies, including Dow Chemical, Coca Cola, Nestle Waters, G.E., Clorox, Mary Kay, and Hasbro, were all on board with several, often anti-corporate environmental groups including Greenpeace, World Wildlife Fund, Upstream, and the 5 Gyres Institute. Everyone had one goal in common: to bring about positive change, no matter how challenging. Publications including National Geographic and Outside Magazine documented the summit and created transparency and accountability. I was fortunate enough to be part of the facilitation team comprised of HATCH alumni to work through the occasionally uncomfortable conversation, brainstorm solutions for this global issue, and get commitments for actionable items from industry leaders.

Photo Credit Bryan Liscinsky

Floating in the Bermuda Triangle was far from the normal boardroom meeting, especially considering that part of the expedition involved putting on wetsuits and snorkels, piling into zodiacs, and swimming with trash in the Sargasso Sea. There we learned that there are higher concentrations of trash in the convergences of the ocean currents, called gyres. To my surprise, the problem is not an isolated floating island of trash, but rather billions of small pieces of plastic that are mixed into the whole. Yes, we did find things like toilet seats, shoes, and toothbrushes, but the small parts that cannot be removed are the true problem. Sadly, plastic has become the new sand, which releases toxins in the water and can often be found in the wildlife. On the expedition, we drug trawling nets behind the zodiac rafts, collecting specimens and examining them on the ship in the mobile lab. We counted the plastic pieces in the fishes’ stomachs and gathered plastic readings for the gyre research. We broke into our lab groups comprised of people with various points-of-view, from production to environmental. These conversations could have easily escalated without any positive outcome, but with the common goal in mind, we pinpointed tangible actions to implement. Although there is not a single switch to flip that fixes the problem, the sum of many single actions makes an enormous difference. It was no accident that the manifest was comprised of people in the position to affect change in their companies.

The goal, as highlighted in a Forbes interview, was “to more tightly integrate the areas of leadership, sustainability and innovation.” FORBES That is exactly what happened. Companies made measurable commitments, such as using 50% recycled plastic by 2030 to eliminate plastic waste in packaging.

Photo Credit Tom Gruber

Photo Credit Yarrow Kraner

As a toy and game inventor, wondering how to affect change from the inside, I asked, “what if we, as inventors, make one of our licensing terms, ‘no single-use plastic in the packaging.’ Would companies consider it?” Hasbro, which had representatives on the boat, unofficially responded that they were exploring how to be more environmentally responsible and that they wanted to continue the conversation. I was more than happy to see this playful trendsetter make this announcement only a few months later,

“Beginning in 2020, Hasbro will begin phasing out plastic from new toy and game packaging across its portfolio of iconic brands like NERF, MY LITTLE PONY, MONOPOLY, MAGIC: THE GATHERING and POWER RANGERS.”  Hasbro

Before this experience, I did not see myself as an “environmentalist”, but now I feel a renewed sense of responsibility and stewardship for this beautiful planet. The way I see it, we as humans are all in the same boat and every choice that creates positive change helps. I am grateful for the responsible decisions from groups like Hasbro who are committing to make a global difference in the industry of play, and I hope that their example will inspire others to do the same.

David Yakos is co-founder of Streamline Design and Salient Technologies, Inc. His article is also featured on the Chicago Toy and Game Week website.

How to be a Game Inventor

Our good friends at ThinkFun wrote this awesome post about what it takes to invent games. As David and some of our amazing invention-friends had developed products for ThinkFun, we thought we’d share this sweet read.

Re-blog from www.thinkfun.com

Unsurprisingly, a frequently asked question at ThinkFun is “How do you find your games?” Or, “Who comes up with your games?” We love these questions because we are hopeful someone will soon be inspired to create their own game!


David Yakos, inventor of Circuit Maze and the Maker Studio line with Josh West, ThinkFun’s Head of Product Design & Sourcing.

The simplest answer to the above question is only a handful of games have been developed in house by ThinkFun staff. For the rest of our games, we search all over the world for the next great game and anyone can submit an idea! Some of our inventors work for a toy and game design firm or own their own. However, sometimes we get pitched someone’s very first game…

Read the rest of the article HERE

Laser Cut Birdman Costume

One handy tool for prototyping is a laser cutter.  At Salient, we use our laser to cut wood, plastic, cardboard and fabric for testing, prototypes and golden samples.  However, with Halloween upon us, why not make a cardboard Birdman costume using the laser cutter?!  Once you have a pattern, the laser cutter is more precise, repeatable and faster than cutting with a blade.

Here are some basic steps and images of the process.  For full instructions, you can visit http://www.instructables.com/id/Cardboard-Bird-Man-Costume-With-Wings/

  1. Design the flat pattern in SolidWorks keeping in mind the ideal size and articulation for the wings. (This was very fast, allowing for the quick scaling of parts and patterning of features like feathers.)Laser Cutting Birdman
  2. Cut out the pieces using the laser…. So much faster and accurate then cutting cardboard with a knife!      birdman-laser-cutting-spread
  3. Assemble the pieces using industrial strength hot glue, bolts and nuts for the wings and Gorilla Tape.      laser-cut-birdman-halloween-costume
    And, Voila!  It’s a Birdman Halloween!

Birdman Costume